Thursday, January 3, 2013

max payne 3 wiki victor

"We always aim, we all know."
    max payne 3 wiki victor Branco his brothers and bodyguards, 2012.

Victor Branco is a local politician, brother of Rodrigo Branco, a wealthy real estate mogul and reality Marcelo Branco, a party-loving playboy Bin euros.

Initially it was thought a policy of good-hearted attempts to clean the crime in your city, shows Victor orchestrated a plan to sell human organs throughout the city to remove it and shoot. Victor is the true leader and the "behind the scenes" of the chief Unidade Forcas Especiais, a group of security forces that used for their own projects, and. His right arm and UFE Commander Armando Becker Their goal was after Max Payne, the man who hired was revealed to protect his family. Victor Payne hunting and Becker, while the two try to escape through the airport. Plane crash survivor Victor Payne. Victor was taken into police custody and awaiting trial. A week later, Victor was found dead in his prison cell.


Not much is known about the early life of max payne 3 wiki victor, except that graduted school in 1985. It has been called "local politicians" described in São Paulo. Lost in one point, he and his brothers, his father, who died of a heart attack in a brothel.
The scandal of organ removal

    "The guy was impervious to an oil spill in an iceberg and almost as toxic."
    Max Payne, the character of Victor

The setting of Max Payne

In 2012, Victor's brother Rodrigo recruiting former NYPD detective Max Payne to work as a bodyguard for the family, along with Raul Passos. Victor is actually paid to find and Payne Passos.

Sometime this year, the sister-brother, Victor, Fabiana Branco, kidnapped by Shadow Command.
True face

Victor was later revealed after the death of his family, and also behind the UFE. With the help of a senior officer by the name of Armando Becker also shows dedicated to the spat Preto (UFE) and "clean" with the two groups to crimes of São Paulo, are funded by citizens. After a gap of Max at the base of the UFE and begins to suffocate Becker, Victor enters and stays up at gunpoint. Max, but is disarmed and max payne 3 wiki victor that. Rescued and taken by Becker
Airport shot

    "You know, I'm ..."
    "You're wrong ..."
    Last call Victor and Max

Later, Victor Becker and treat from the plane, but Max soon arrive at the airport and made his way through the men of Becker. Max thinks Becker and grenade mortally wounded Becker exclusive use. Victor was already in the air and tries to flee, but Max Becker manages to kill people and break the last plane. Victor, however, survived and is in the process of Payne, Wilson da Silva stopped executing.

Victor laughed and said, "Run", which means that all charges against him, prompting Max to clean ", will limp", and broke the leg of Victor.

    "The local justice ..."
    A waiter Victor Bay death.

max payne 3 wiki victor is caught by the police and sent to prison. A week later, is in the news that he was found hanged in his prison cell shown, but it is unknown if his death was suicide or retaliation for his involvement in the scandal of the removal of organs.

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